dimanche 27 septembre 2015

中国 Chine - Datong 大同 (2)

Mars 2007. Visite du temple 'suspendu' Xuangkong Si. 悬空寺
Matin très froid (-20°C) mais grand moment. Il a été construit en 491. Il est placé en hauteur pour se protéger de la montée des eaux de la rivière située à 50 mètres en contrebas. La structure semble reposer sur de fins piliers de bois rouge dressés à la verticale. En réalité, le monastère repose sur des poutres enfoncées à l’horizontale dans la roche. Les piliers ne sont qu’un choix esthétique renforçant la perception d’un site « posé » à flanc de montagne. C'est le seul temple de Chine qui réunit les trois religions traditionnelles: Bouddhisme, Taoïsme et Confucianisme.

March 2007. I visited the 'hanging' temple Xuangkong Si. 悬空寺
It was a very cold morning (-20°C) but a great moment. The Hanging Temple is one of the main tourist attractions and historical sites in the Datong area. Built more than 1,500 years ago, this temple is notable not only for its location on a sheer precipice but also because it is the only existing temple with the combination of three Chinese traditional religions: Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism. The structure is kept in place with oak crossbeams fitted into holes chiseled into the cliffs. The main supportive structure is hidden inside the bedrock. The monastery is located in the small canyon basin, and the body of the building hangs from the middle of the cliff under the prominent summit, protecting the temple from rain erosion and sunlight. Coupled with the repair of the dynasties, the color tattoo in the temple is relatively well preserved. On December 2010, it was listed in the Time magazine as the world's top ten most odd dangerous buildings.

Froid sibérien et rivières gelées.
Siberian cold and frozen rivers.

Vie de village montagnard.
Life in a mountain village.

La splendeur du site. The splendour of the site.

Escaliers d'accès au barrage et vue sur la vallée depuis le temple.
Access stairs to the dawn and view of the valley from the temple.

Ne pas souffrir du vertige!
Don't suffer of vertigo!

Statuaire, sculptures et fresques intérieures.
Statues, sculpturs and fresco.

Chemin entre les pavillons.
Path between the pavilions.

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