dimanche 18 octobre 2015

中国 Chine - Jianshui 建水县 - La région - The region

Septembre 2009. Visite de la région de Jianshui 建水县
September 2009. Trip in the Jianshui 建水县 region.

Tuanshan 团山村
La résidence de la famille Zhang est située au cœur du village de Tuanshan, à environ 15 km à l’ouest de Jianshui. Ce village semble avoir échappé à la modernité, et malgré l’usure du temps sur les bâtisses, on devine le riche passé de la famille Zhang, enrichie par le commerce du sel, du cuivre et encore d'autres.
Dans un dédale de petites ruelles à travers le village, on aperçoit sur certaines demeures des détails architecturaux plus ou moins bien conservés et on peut visiter des maisons anciennes où vivent encore quelques locaux, dont quelques descendants de la famille Zhang.
Les frontons des maisons sont en bois gravé où sont inscrits à l’encre de Chine les animaux fantastiques ; tels que les dragons, les lions et les phœnix mais aussi des fleurs et des silhouettes.
Il est possible de boire un thé au cœur de la résidence Zhang. L'accueil est chaleureux et l'endroit est particulièrement paisible.

Tuanshan 团山村

Built on a small plateau up on a hill and surrounded by rounded-top mountain, the landscape gave its name gave to the village : Tuan 团 means ’round’, ‘circular’ and Shan 山 means ‘mountain’.
The cobblestone streets of this ancient village located just 20 kilometres outside Jianshui are lined with ancient family mansions and gardens, lineage temples and historical courtyards opened to the public. Tuanshan is a recent add-on to the list of historical villages to visit in Yunnan and China. Thanks to its fairly remote location, Tuanshan has been spared by the commercialisation that comes with the development of tourist sites in China. A few locals were selling handicrafts and other trinkets in the streets and in their stores. Who knows how the influx of tourists will change this charming little village in the future. 
At the beginning of the Ming dynasty, between 1392 and 1398, 300’000 Han-Chinese migrants moved from the eastern provinces and settled in different parts of Yunnan.  At that time, Tuanshan was already a village populated by members of the Yi ethnic group (彝族). The ethnic composition of Tuanshan changed when a man surnamed Zhang stumbled upon the village during the reign of Emperor Hongwu 洪武 (1390 – 1406) of the Ming dynasty. Zhang was part of a wave a Han ethnic Chinese migrants who had ventured to the ethnic southwest. He moved  from the landlocked province of Jiangxi to Jianshui. Impressed by the beauty of Tuanshan scenery and its fertile soils, Zhang decided to settle in the village. Zhang was the first Han ethnic Chinese to settle in a village exclusively populated by members of the Yi ethnic group. Over the centuries, his family expanded and other Han – Chinese families settled in Tuanshan. They became successful in the mining and the trading of tin and copper, especially from the end of the 19th century, when the Sino-French treaty of 1887 allowed for the development of business ties with the nearby French colonies in Indochina.
Today, the gardens and courtyard mansions built by the Han Chinese family clans represent  the social and ethnic  change brought by the Ming dynasty migration.

Entrée de la 'maison' Zhang.
Entry of the Zhang 'house'.

Transport de légumes et d'enfant.
Vegetables and kind transportation.

Promenade dans le village.

Walk in the village.

Le temple du village qui servait de salle de propagande pendant les années de la révolution culturelle.

The village's temple who served such a propaganda place during the cultural revolution years.

Canards barbecue - Barbecued ducks

Pont du Double Dragon 双龙桥  
Le pont du Double Dragon est situé à 5 km à l’ouest de Jianshui près de la confluence des deux rivières Tachong et Lu. Il est considéré comme un chef d’œuvre d’architecture autant pour ses qualités de structure que pour ses qualités esthétiques. Le pont mesure 148 mètres de long. Construit pendant la dynastie Qing au 17ème siècle, il est un des plus vieux ponts de Chine. A l’origine, il possédait seulement 3 arches. Plus tard, furent rajoutées 14 arches à cause du changement de trajectoire de la rivière Tachong qu’il enjambe.

The Double-Dragon Bridge 双龙桥
This seventeen-span bridge located five kilometres outside Jianshui was built during the Qing dynasty. It is considered a masterpiece of ancient Chinese architecture. Situated at the confluence of the Lujiang (泸江河) and the Tachong (塌冲河) rivers which merge into one river, the Nanpan River (南盘江), the bridge had only three arches. When the Tachong River changed course, fourteen arches were added. Since the two rivers meanders in the plains like two dragons, locals have called it the “double dragon bridge”. With the ongoing drought, you may not see much water.

Et si vous l'avez manqué, je vous propose de regarder les photos de Jianshui 建水县, une des plus belles cité anciennes de Chine. Cliquez simplement sur le lien ci-dessous.
In case you missed the previous post I suggest you to look at the pictures of Jianshui 建水县, one of the most beautiful ancient city of China. Click on the link below.

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